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​Kaori Kawabuchi

​※English below

シンガー・剣舞師・殺陣師・モーションアクター・女優・声優・コレオグラファー・モデル・作詞家・演出家・アクション指導家など多彩なキャリアで世界各地で活躍している。その美しく激しい日本刀剣舞は世界中で評価が高く「LADY SAMURAI」の異名を持つ。




アーティストのMUSIC VIDEOや映画撮影現場等でのアクション指導や演出も数多く行い、出演もしている。


殺陣パフォーマンスチーム「偉伝或〜IDEAL〜」の主宰であり、KAO=Sと和楽器奏者・剣舞パフォーマーによる和風エンターテインメント集団「LADY SAMURAI'S CHAOS」のリーダーも務める。


​2023年放送開始のTVアニメ「NieR:Automata Ver1.1a」で、本格的に声優としてのキャリアもスタートした。

Singer / Sword Performer & Instructor / Motion Capture Actor / Actress / Voice Actor /Model /Stage Director /Action Instructor


Because of her worldwide reputation for Japanese sword performances, Kaori is also known as LADY SAMURAI

Her instruction at action scenes and sword fight scenes also has high reputation, which includes in music videos, film shootings and the workshops in many countries.


Being an actress with superb sword performance skills, her career includes appearances in many theatrical plays and movies, TV commercial. As a pioneer and leading expert in motion capture acting, which the moves of video game and CG film characters rely on, she has played a large role in the Final Fantasy series and a number of other well-known works. 

(Ex NieR:Automata :as 2B / Ghost In the Shell SAC_2045 : as Motoko Kusanagi etc)

From 2023, Kaori will begin her career as a voice actor in earnest.


Kaori is also a lead vocalist of Japanese rock duo KAO=S, and mostly writes lyrics of many songs. Her beautiful voice and lithe, yet intense performances capture the minds of audiences all over the world.  KAO=S also started the special Japanese style performance team "LADY SAMURAI'S CHAOS" consisting of themselves, sword dancers, and Japanese instrumentalists. They will perform shows in various locations in the world.

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